Our Mission

Future of Choice is an organization dedicated to promoting the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence (AI). We believe that AI has immense potential to benefit society, from curing diseases and extending human lifespans to alleviating suffering and enhancing the quality of life for all people. Our mission is to provide an alternative perspective to the call for an immediate halt to AI research and development, as we believe this view is misguided and overlooks the numerous positive outcomes that AI can bring.

Placeholder image of AI being used for good, such as in healthcare and education

Our Message

We understand the concerns surrounding AI and the potential risks it poses. However, we believe that these risks can be managed through proper oversight, collaboration, and transparency in AI research and development. Instead of halting AI development, we propose focusing on creating safe, accurate, interpretable, and trustworthy AI systems that are designed to serve humanity and respect our values.

By fostering cooperation between AI labs, independent experts, and policymakers, we can develop robust governance systems and safety protocols to ensure that AI systems are aligned with human interests and values. We advocate for increased public funding for technical AI safety research, as well as the development of institutions to address the potential economic and political disruptions that AI may cause.

Humanity stands at a crossroads, and AI has the potential to lead us to a brighter, more prosperous future. Let us embrace this opportunity responsibly, working together to harness the power of AI for the greater good. With the right approach, we can create a world where AI serves humanity and helps us overcome our greatest challenges.